Manufacturing Scales & Scoops Since 1923
Washdown Scales
If the items you need to weigh tend to get a little messy, washdown scales may be necessary for your business. Unlike traditional scales, these scales are designed such that they can withstand aggressive cleaning with water and not be damaged in the process. This is an important function for some food handling operations, such as those dealing with raw meats, but it can come in handy in many other industries, as well. Order your new washdown scale from Penn Scale today!
Showing 1–16 of 24 results
Hygienic Washdown Scales & Washdown Indicators
SW-Washdown Portion Control
Defender 2500 Drum Scale
Defender 3000 Bench Scale
Defender 5000 Bench Scale Series
Defender 7000 Bench Scale
APS7000XL & 7000XL Stainless Steel Bench Scale
APS2200 & 2200 Series Stainless Steel All Purpose Scale
Doran PFS Series – Portable Washdown Floor Scale
1200 MS Series Bench Scale
7400- Bench Scale
MVP Series MS Bench Scale
4300-Checkweigh Scale
2200CW-Checkweigh Scale
FC6300 Formula Control Scale
Valor 2000 Compact Bench Sales